landyhill "Freaky Mind" PPU TECHNO ELECTRO FUNK BOOGIE 12"
Unreleased 80's 24 Track Master Techno from landyhill, founding member of Timex Social Club.
Alex "landy" Hill's musical journey began in the early 80s with the DJ collective Control Crew, performing live DJ sets & rap shows at the birth of turntablism in Oakland California. Alex was the one guy who had two technics 1200s, a costly investment for any teen at that time. In 1982 Alex and high school friend Marcus Thompson formed Timex Social Club. Alex wrote the 1986 anthem "Rumors", a song often cited as the precursor to New Jack Swing. Shortly after high school, Alex would already have a #1 hit on the Billboard R&B charts with Timex Social Club, and tour dates with RUN DMC, Beastie Boys, and LL Cool J, performing at Madison square Gardens, TWICE! Alex went on to produce music for Jay King / King Jay Records, Club Nouveau, LaRue, and Michael Cooper. Aside from music, most of landyhill's fans and followers are from his time as an avid blogger in the 90s, remember Mr. Blunt's Hip Hop Homepage??
Single Sided 12" with 24-Track master and 4-Track Home Demo Versions
Distributed by Peoples Potential Unlimited • PPU-102
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